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Methodologies are essential to quantifying real and accurate greenhouse gas (GHG) benefits of a project and to generate verified carbon credits.

Methodologies provide requirements and procedures to determine project boundaries, identify the baseline, assess additionality, monitor the relevant parameters, and ultimately quantify the GHG emission reductions or removals.


Methodology For High Efficiency Cookstoves

This methodology introduces the use of non-renewable fire wood or switch from non-renewable to efficient biomass fired cookstoves (renewable sources) or the retrofit of existing units to reduce the use of nonrenewable biomass to meet thermal energy requirement for household cooking.

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Methodology For Switch From Non Renewable Biomass For Thermal Application

This methodology introduces the use of non-renewable fire wood or switch from non-renewable to efficient biomass fired cookstoves (renewable sources) or the retrofit of existing units to reduce the use of non-renewable biomass to meet thermal energy requirement for household cooking.

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Methodology For Solar Cookers For Households

This methodology is for project activities that introduce solar cookers to individual households to be used for household cooking purpose (i.e. meal preparation, water heating and baking for household consumption) to meet the energy requirement for household cooking.

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Methodology For Afforestation And Reforestation Project Activities Implemented On Land

This methodology accommodates afforestation and reforestation of any land that does not fall into the category of wetland. It has a broad scope of application, however restricts the extent of soil disturbance in the project to be no more than 10 per cent. The higher Soil Organic content in the baseline may result either because of the nature of the soils (e.g. the soils are organic soils) or because of anthropogenic activities (e.g. soils are not tilled and external organic matter is added as inputs), especially where the land in its baseline land-use has soil organic carbon (SOC) content that is expected to be higher than that under the land-use of “forestry”. Apart from this restriction on the extent of soil disturbance in certain types of soils and land-use practices.

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Methodology For Biochar Utilization

This methodology introduces a framework for quantifying emission reduction and removals resulting from the adoption of a biochar technology to dispose of waste biomass The methodology employs a comprehensive monitoring and accounting framework that captures the GHG impacts in the three important stages of a biochar value chain: sourcing, production, and application

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Methodology For Improved Agricultural Land Management

This methodology provides procedures to estimate the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions and removals (CO2, CH4 and N2O) resulting from the adoption of improved Agricultural Land/ tillage Management practices. The methodology is compatible with regenerative agriculture and has a particular focus on increasing soil organic carbon (SOC) storage.

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Methodology For Water Resource Management By Reducing Emissions Using Green Technology

This methodology follows an approach to reduce greenhouse gas emitting water purification systems as well as verify the emission reduction benefits of green infrastructure projects that improve water quality. Project Proponents using this methodology will quantify the reduction in GHG emissions associated with avoided energy and material use from the upgrading, new construction or displacement of a more-GHG-intensive output.

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Methodology For Emission Reductions Through Improved Efficiency Of Vehicle Fleets

This methodology introduces the operational efficiency of vehicle fleets(e.g. fleets of trucks, buses, cars, taxis or motorized tricycles) to reduce the use of fossil fuel powered vehicles through the use of various equipment and/or activity improvements as GHG mitigation measures.

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